
Copyright Policy and Guidelines

  • All Content or subject, Images, Videos matter or MCQs in this website is subject to If you copy it then DMCA (digital millennium copyright act) copyright notice will be sent to you.
  • You may not use any content of the “” website in any way as everything on this website is the personal property of
  • Yes, you can copy 15 to 20 words of this website but for this there are some conditions which are as follows, DMCA notice will not be sent to you if you follow those conditions.
  • 1. You can copy a maximum of 15 to 20 words and you will have to give a link from there to the website
  • 2. DMCA notice may be sent even if you do not provide the link, and copy 15 to 20 words.

How to work DMCA

If you violate the DMCA then the DMCA authorities send a notice to your “web hosting company” to the “ad agency” and all other authorities that can degrade the rank performance of your website.